Last Updated: 2024/04/01

分類 (JP Patent Analysis Report)

The Technical Field "分類" had 1,858 patent application filings in the most recent period (2022-01-01 to 2022-07-31). This is a significantly decreased of -670 filings (-26.5%) over 2,528 they had in the same period of the previous year (2021-01-01 to 2021-07-31). This report also includes technical terms related to " カテゴリー化 ", " カテゴリ化 ", " クラス ", " クラス分け ", " クラス分類 ", " タイプ分類 ", " 組み分 ", " 組み分け ", " 組分け ", " 類別 ", " 類型化 " in the search set.

The company had their highest number of filings in 2019 with 4,517 cases, and their lowest number in 2022 with 2,426 cases.

The mean of the number of filings over the last 5 years (2018 to 2023, 20,218 cases in total) is 3,370, and the median is 4,282. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) is 0.4, and there have been big fluctuations in the number of filings from year to year.

Filing information for the last 5 years (2018 to 2023)
Index Value
Average 3,370 patents
Std Dev 1,510
COV 0.4

Filing trends for the last 3 years
Year Cases YOY
2022 year 2,426 cases -42.9 %
2021 year 4,247 cases -1.78 %
2020 year 4,324 cases -4.27 %

This report provides the latest patent analysis information (the IP landscape, including a patent map) on the patent search results of the JP patent database for 分類 for the period of the last 10 years (2014-01-01 to 2024-03-31). You can compare the information in this report with the trends in your competitors’ patent filings and technologies, and use it to search for important patents.

This service provides, free of charge, a patent analysis report based on the latest patent data (Japanese, U.S., European, and PCT application publications) for use in patent searches, patent analysis, and IP landscaping. The service is offered by "Patent Integration" a firm specializing in patent search/patent analysis.

This report includes basic information to help you understand the IP strategy and management of 分類, such as changes in the number of patents/patent applications they have filed, comparisons of the numbers of patents/patent applications filed by their peers and competitors, their top coapplicants (joint research partners, alliance partners), and their most important patents. It can be used in various intellectual property business operations such as IP landscaping, patent search/patent analysis, preparation of intellectual property business evaluation reports, selection of M&A candidates, and selection of alliance partners.

Article supervision: Patent attorney Yoshiyuki Ose
Article supervised by: Yoshiyuki Ose (Japanese Patent Attorney)    

He is a patent attorney at a patent office. He specializes in invention counseling, patent filing, and intellectual property strategies for start-up companies and new businesses in the fields of software, information technology and artificial intelligence. He runs a patent course for beginners on Udemy, an online course provider.

After studying physics at the University of Tokyo as a doctoral student, he was engaged in intellectual property analysis and technology trend research as an in-house patent attorney at a precision equipment manufacturer and at Toyota Central R&D Labs. Inc..


The concept of the "IP landscape" (IPL) has been attracting attention recently.

An IP landscape is not limited to patent information, but also integrates and analyzes business information (e.g., non-patent information such as papers, news releases, stock information, and market information). Intellectual-property-based business management is realized through the analysis of intellectual property information applied to the formulation of management strategies and business strategies. This is a comprehensive approach that includes but not limited to planning of open and closed strategies, selecting M&A candidates, searching for alliance partners, and formulating intellectual property strategies, through the exploitation of intellectual property information.

IP landscaping usually includes patent search and patent analysis. In patent search and patent analysis, it is important to grasp the market position of each company and the overall technological trends and development trends for each technology. More specifically, it is important to understand what intellectual property your own company and other companies hold, what the strengths and weaknesses of other companies are, and how other companies are trying to exploit their intellectual property. In other words, it is important to understand both the business strategy and the intellectual property strategy of each company.

After reading this search report, you may be interested in more detailed patent searches and patent analysis. We offer a service called Patent Integration, which is an integrated patent search and patent analysis service. With reasonable pricing and a simple user interface such that even beginners can quickly search for and analyze patent information by company or technology from a web browser, please consider using it for detailed patent searches, patent analysis, and IP landscaping.

Patent Integration has a patent-landscaping function that can visually represent a set of tens of thousands of patents/patent applications. This allows you to convincingly show the technical positions of your company and its competitors to your management and business strategists in order to formulate management strategies and business strategies.

Foreign Patent Analysis Report

The following foreign patent analysis reports have been found for 分類. The trends of patent filings of 分類 for each country can be found by clicking on the Applicant/Patent Holder name next to each country.

Patent Filing Trends in Each Country
Country Applicant / Patent Holder

分類, Changes in the Number of JP Patents/Patent Applications

The changes in the number of patent filings of 分類 over the last 20 years (JP) are shown below.

The change in the number of patents/patent applications is the most basic index in patent analysis. By examining the change in the number of patents/patent applications, you can see the status of technological development and R&D focus for each company or technology. It should be noted that since there is a one and a half year lag between the filing and the laying open of patent applications, it is not possible to analyze the situation more recently than one and half years prior to the present.

In this report, you can only see the change in the number of patents/patent applications by company or technology, whereas Patent Integration allows you to quickly compare the number of patent applications with your competitors in each technical field by cross-referencing with other keywords and patent classifications.

Counting of the Number of Cases using the Patent Mapping Function

By examining the change in the number of patents/patent applications, you can see the status of technological development and R&D focus for each company or technology.

You can select a graph type from the menu on the upper left. Data can be output as a file to the clipboard, or in CSV format or TSV format. You can also output graph images as files in the SVG, PNG, and JPG formats. For the terms of use when using the data, please see "About this Site."

Search Set (Analysis Object)

This patent analysis report was created for a patent search set of 35,193 cases retrieved by applying the following search formula and analysis period to the following patent database. Patent information such as a patent analysis result, a patent map, and a patent landscape can be freely used for patent searches, analysis, and work on intellectual property strategies, including IP landscaping.

Patent Database
JP Publications/Granted Patents
Patent Search Formula
Technical Field:
Patent Analysis Period
Number of Objects
35,193 patents

Analysis results are determined on the basis of patent gazette data issued by the patent office in each country.

Same industry / competition company information (JP)

The number of patents and changes in the number of patents of other companies (competitors) in the same industry as 分類 are shown below.

Comparison of changes in the number of patents with peers and competitors is an important analytical index for understanding the intellectual property strategies of each company. By checking the transition of the number of patents for each company / competitor, you can check the status of focus on technology development and R&D for each company / technology.

It should be noted that patents have a time lag of one and a half years from filing to publication, so it is not possible to analyze the situation more recent than one and a half years.

If you want to find out more information, " Patent Integration , You can compare the number of patent applications with competitors in each technical field in a short time by multiplying with other keywords and patent classifications.Please use it for more detailed patent information analysis such as selection of M&A candidate destinations and alliance destinations.

Introduction of patent search function

Competitive analysis can be performed in a short time by using various search functions such as applicant, filing date, and similar patent search.

Trends in filing of joint patent applications in the last 3 years (2022 to 2024).

Comparing the number of applications of each company, 富士通株式会社 has the highest number of joint applications in the last in the last 3 years (2022 to 2024) with 93 cases, followed by 株式会社日立製作所 with 86 cases.

Trends in filing of joint patent applications for the target period (2014 to 2024).

Comparing the number of applications of each company, 富士通株式会社 has the highest number of joint applications in the last for the target period (2014 to 2024) with 916 cases, followed by キヤノン株式会社 with 741 cases.

Same industry / competition company, Change in the Number of JP Patents

Below is a patent map showing changes in the number of applications for JP patents of 11 companies in the same industry over the past 20 years.

You can select a graph type from the menu on the upper left. Data can be output as a file to the clipboard, or in CSV format or TSV format. You can also output graph images as files in the SVG, PNG, and JPG formats. For the terms of use when using the data, please see "About this Site."

Top company information (JP)

The number of patents and changes in the number of patents of other companies (competitors) in the same industry as 分類 are shown below.

Comparison of changes in the number of patents with peers and competitors is an important analytical index for understanding the intellectual property strategies of each company. By checking the transition of the number of patents for each company / competitor, you can check the status of focus on technology development and R&D for each company / technology.

It should be noted that patents have a time lag of one and a half years from filing to publication, so it is not possible to analyze the situation more recent than one and a half years.

If you want to find out more information, " Patent Integration , You can compare the number of patent applications with competitors in each technical field in a short time by multiplying with other keywords and patent classifications.Please use it for more detailed patent information analysis such as selection of M&A candidate destinations and alliance destinations.

Search for Coapplicants

Patent integration allows you to find coapplicants in a short amount of time.

Trends in filing of joint patent applications in the last 3 years (2022 to 2024).

Among the top coapplicants, 富士通株式会社 has the highest number of joint applications in the last in the last 3 years (2022 to 2024) with 93 cases, followed by 株式会社日立製作所 with 86 cases.

Trends in filing of joint patent applications in the last 3 years (2022 to 2024).
Name Cases
富士通株式会社 93 cases
株式会社日立製作所 86 cases
キヤノン株式会社 66 cases
株式会社東芝 32 cases
日本電気株式会社 23 cases
日本電信電話株式会社 12 cases
ソニーグループ株式会社 6 cases

Trends in filing of joint patent applications for the target period (2014 to 2024).

Among the top coapplicants, 富士通株式会社 has the highest number of joint applications in the last for the target period (2014 to 2024) with 916 cases, followed by キヤノン株式会社 with 741 cases.

Trends in filing of joint patent applications for the target period (2014 to 2024).
Name Cases
富士通株式会社 916 cases
キヤノン株式会社 741 cases
株式会社日立製作所 713 cases
日本電気株式会社 622 cases
日本電信電話株式会社 579 cases
株式会社東芝 442 cases
ソニーグループ株式会社 308 cases

Top company, Change in the Number of JP Patents

Below is a patent map showing the changes in the numbers of JP patent filings by 分類’s top 7 coapplicants over the last 20 years.

You can select a graph type from the menu on the upper left. Data can be output as a file to the clipboard, or in CSV format or TSV format. You can also output graph images as files in the SVG, PNG, and JPG formats. For the terms of use when using the data, please see "About this Site."

Top company Details (JP)

Trends in filing of joint patent applications with 株式会社日立製作所

分類 filed 713 joint applications with 株式会社日立製作所 for the analysis period (2014 to 2024).

The mean of the number of filings over the last 5 years (2018 to 2023, 449 cases in total) is 74.8, and the median is 86.5. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) is 0.4, and there have been big fluctuations in the number of filings from year to year.

The number of filings has been decreasing for the last 3 years (2020 to 2023). The company had their highest number of filings in 2021 with 101 cases, and their lowest number in 2015 with 55 cases.

Filing information for the last 5 years (2018 to 2023)
Index Value
Average 74.8 patents
Std Dev 33.6
COV 0.4
Filing trends for the last 3 years
Year Cases YOY
2022 year 85 cases -15.84 %
2021 year 101 cases +9.78 %
2020 year 92 cases +12.20 %

Trends in filing of joint patent applications with 日本電気株式会社

分類 filed 622 joint applications with 日本電気株式会社 for the analysis period (2014 to 2024).

The mean of the number of filings over the last 5 years (2018 to 2023, 319 cases in total) is 53.2, and the median is 54.0. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) is 0.7, and there have been relatively large fluctuations in the number of filings from year to year.

The company had their highest number of filings in 2019 with 101 cases, and their lowest number in 2022 with 22 cases.

Filing information for the last 5 years (2018 to 2023)
Index Value
Average 53.2 patents
Std Dev 36.9
COV 0.7
Filing trends for the last 3 years
Year Cases YOY
2022 year 22 cases -29.03 %
2021 year 31 cases -64.4 %
2020 year 87 cases -13.86 %

Trends in filing of joint patent applications with 株式会社東芝

分類 filed 442 joint applications with 株式会社東芝 for the analysis period (2014 to 2024).

The mean of the number of filings over the last 5 years (2018 to 2023, 224 cases in total) is 37.3, and the median is 43.5. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) is 0.5, and there have been big fluctuations in the number of filings from year to year.

The company had their highest number of filings in 2017 with 58 cases, and their lowest number in 2022 with 32 cases.

Filing information for the last 5 years (2018 to 2023)
Index Value
Average 37.3 patents
Std Dev 18.2
COV 0.5
Filing trends for the last 3 years
Year Cases YOY
2022 year 32 cases -30.4 %
2021 year 46 cases -17.86 %
2020 year 56 cases +36.6 %

Trends in filing of joint patent applications with 富士通株式会社

分類 filed 916 joint applications with 富士通株式会社 for the analysis period (2014 to 2024).

The mean of the number of filings over the last 5 years (2018 to 2023, 485 cases in total) is 80.8, and the median is 89.0. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) is 0.4, and there have been big fluctuations in the number of filings from year to year.

The company had their highest number of filings in 2017 with 135 cases, and their lowest number in 2022 with 80 cases.

Filing information for the last 5 years (2018 to 2023)
Index Value
Average 80.8 patents
Std Dev 32.2
COV 0.4
Filing trends for the last 3 years
Year Cases YOY
2022 year 80 cases -2.44 %
2021 year 82 cases -23.36 %
2020 year 107 cases 0

Trends in filing of joint patent applications with キヤノン株式会社

分類 filed 741 joint applications with キヤノン株式会社 for the analysis period (2014 to 2024).

The mean of the number of filings over the last 5 years (2018 to 2023, 407 cases in total) is 67.8, and the median is 75.0. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) is 0.5, and there have been big fluctuations in the number of filings from year to year.

The company had their highest number of filings in 2019 with 109 cases, and their lowest number in 2016 with 61 cases.

Filing information for the last 5 years (2018 to 2023)
Index Value
Average 67.8 patents
Std Dev 32.7
COV 0.5
Filing trends for the last 3 years
Year Cases YOY
2022 year 64 cases -7.25 %
2021 year 69 cases -15.85 %
2020 year 82 cases -24.77 %

Information on important patents (JP)

The following shows JP patents held by 分類 that have had an invalidation trial against them demanded or an opposition filed against them by a third party, and 分類’s JP patents/patent applications of high importance cited by Examiners in patent examination processes.

By noting the most important patents, you can obtain knowledge of the competitive business environment in which 分類 is placed (e.g., whether it is a fiercely competitive environment or an oligopolistic market and the like). In general, it can be understood that a company with a large number of demands for invalidation trials is developing their business in a business environment where IP disputes are common.

If you want to search for more detailed information, you can use Patent Integration to retrieve and download by company cited patents/patent applications or patents undergoing invalidation trials. You can quickly extract important patents from a patent set that includes multiple competitors by cross-referencing with other keywords and patent classifications. Please consider using it for searches for important patents/patent applications.

Search for Information on Important Patents

You can quickly search for important patents/patent applications, such as patents/patent applications that were cited many times and patents that have had invalidation trials demanded against them many times.


Indicates that the patent/patent application has been cited (by Examiners) in notices of reasons for rejection in the examination process of other (Japanese, U.S., or European) patent applications. The higher the number of citations, the more important the patent/patent application is considered to be.
Request for invalidation trial
Indicates that a third party has requested a procedure to invalidate the patent. It is likely to affect the business of third parties and is considered to be of high importance.
Indicates that a third party has filed a petition with the Patent Office to hear the validity of the patent again. Like the trial for invalidation, it is considered to be of high importance.
Information provision
Indicates that a third party has provided the Patent Office with useful information for examination for the patent filed. It is usually considered to be of high importance because it is done to prevent the patent from being granted.
Browsing request
Indicates that a third party has requested the Patent Office to view the patent bag (a set of documents exchanged between the Patent Office and the applicant). The bag is often checked prior to trial for invalidation, opposition, and provision of information, and is considered to be a highly important patent.

Invalidationed Trial cases

List of latest Invalidationed Trial patents

In the last 3 years (2021-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31), there were 1 patents Invalidation Trial from third parties. The average number of Invalidation Trial is 1.0 times. The most recently Invalidation Trial patent is 特許7083802 "グリコシル化された免疫グロブリンの調製方法" (Invalidation Trial day 2023-02-22) .

Most recent Invalidation Trial (2021-04-01 to 2024-03-31)
- No. Title Invalidation Trial days
1 特許7083802 グリコシル化された免疫グロブリンの調製方法 2023-02-22

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Invalidationed Trial

Of the patent applications filed in the last 10 years (2014-04-01 to 2024-03-31), 2 patents/patent applications were invalidation trial more than once in the examination process of other patent applications. The mean of the number of invalidation trial is 1.0. The most invalidation trial patent is 特許6283440 "逆流性食道炎の再発抑制剤" (1 times) , and the next most invalidation trial patent is 特許6025267 "サーベイ(眺望)型ナビゲーションシステム" (1 times) .

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Invalidation Trial over a Period of 10 Years (2014-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31)
- No. Title
1 特許6283440 逆流性食道炎の再発抑制剤 1 times
2 特許6025267 サーベイ(眺望)型ナビゲーションシステム 1 times

Oppositioned cases

List of latest Oppositioned patents

In the last 3 years (2021-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31), there were 23 patents Opposition from third parties. The average number of Opposition is 1.0 times. The most recently Opposition patent is 特許7325881 "情報処理装置、情報処理方法および情報処理プログラム" (Opposition day 2024-02-09) , next is 特許7330453 "X線検査システム、破袋システムおよび破砕システム" (Opposition day 2024-01-23) .

Most recent Opposition (2021-04-01 to 2024-03-31)
- No. Title Opposition days
1 特許7325881 情報処理装置、情報処理方法および情報処理プログラム 2024-02-09
2 特許7330453 X線検査システム、破袋システムおよび破砕システム 2024-01-23
3 特許7306861 ケーブルを結束するための多層ラップ及び結束されたケーブル 2024-01-05
4 特許7271397 緊急時活動レベルの管理支援装置、方法及びプログラム 2023-09-07
5 特許7217589 画像解析方法、画像解析装置、プログラム、学習済み深層学習アルゴリズムの製造方法および学習済み深層学習アルゴリズム 2023-08-03
6 特許7193526 浴室環境で使用するバイオモニタリング・デバイス、方法、及びシステム 2023-06-20
7 特許7140848 毛髪被覆率分析のためのシステム及び方法 2023-03-20
8 特許7099559 免税処理装置、免税処理方法およびプログラム 2023-01-10
9 特許7077439 車種判別システム及び車種判別プログラム 2022-11-30
10 特許7057510 冷媒サイクル装置 2022-10-18

Show 5 patents  

Protested cases

List of latest Protested patents

In the last 3 years (2021-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31), there were 78 patents Protest from third parties. The average number of Protest is 1.4 times. The most recently Protest patent is 特許7038388 "医療システム及びそれを実行する方法" (Protest day 2024-02-14) , next is 特開2022-068362 "医療システム及びそれを実行する方法" (Protest day 2024-02-10) .

Most recent Protest (2021-04-01 to 2024-03-31)
- No. Title Protest days
1 特許7038388 医療システム及びそれを実行する方法 2024-02-14
2 特開2022-068362 医療システム及びそれを実行する方法 2024-02-10
3 特表2023-534047 オリゴ糖組成物及び使用方法 2024-02-07
4 特開2021-172726 微多孔フィルム 2024-01-23
5 特許7451977 バリア紙 2024-01-10
6 特開2022-099480 卵分類システム 2023-11-27
7 特開2022-034428 施工品質評価プログラム 2023-11-24
8 特開2022-043486 便器装置 2023-10-30
9 特表2022-538132 健康評価のためのシステム及び方法 2023-10-03
10 特開2021-175656 船体上設備の組替え方法 2023-09-22
11 特開2022-161917 便座システム 2023-09-15
12 特開2021-162323 疾患鑑別支援方法、疾患鑑別支援装置、及び疾患鑑別支援コンピュータプログラム 2023-09-01
13 特開2019-156836 農園芸用粒状組成物および当該組成物の製造方法 2023-08-29
14 特開2022-104125 穀粒判別システム 2023-08-22
15 特許7402008 傷病名推論システム、傷病名推論方法、傷病名推論プログラム、及びデータ構造 2023-08-08
16 特開2023-053140 チェックポイント遮断およびマイクロサテライト不安定性 2023-07-27
17 特開2022-127018 遊技機 2023-07-21
18 特開2022-123086 免税処理装置、免税処理方法およびプログラム 2023-07-11
19 特開2022-112169 検知装置、検知方法及び検知プログラム 2023-06-07
20 特開2020-186211 多色固形化粧料の製造方法 2023-06-05

Show 15 patents  

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Protested

Of the patent applications filed in the last 10 years (2014-04-01 to 2024-03-31), 140 patents/patent applications were protest more than once in the examination process of other patent applications. The mean of the number of protest is 1.4. The most protest patent is 特許6837034 "陳列棚" (6 times) , and the next most protest patent is 特表2017-504615 "パロノセトロンを含有する薬学組成物" (4 times) .

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Protest over a Period of 10 Years (2014-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31)
- No. Title
1 特許6837034 陳列棚 6 times
2 特表2017-504615 パロノセトロンを含有する薬学組成物 4 times
3 特許7165918 電気便座一体型便器 4 times
4 特許7171642 カラメル中の低分子量化学種を低下させる方法 4 times
5 特許7451977 バリア紙 4 times

Inspectioned cases

List of latest Inspectioned patents

In the last 3 years (2021-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31), there were 273 patents Inspection from third parties. The average number of Inspection is 1.3 times. The most recently Inspection patent is 特表2021-505168 "操作されたT細胞の組成物を製造するための方法" (Inspection day 2024-03-26) , next is 特許6342868 "被コーティング物品およびそのコーティング方法" (Inspection day 2024-03-22) .

Most recent Inspection (2021-04-01 to 2024-03-31)
- No. Title Inspection days
1 特表2021-505168 操作されたT細胞の組成物を製造するための方法 2024-03-26
2 特許6342868 被コーティング物品およびそのコーティング方法 2024-03-22
3 特許6644831 被コーティング物品およびそのコーティング方法 2024-03-22
4 特許6907394 ペットフードレコメンド装置および、ペットフードレコメンド方法、サプリメントレコメンド装置、サプリメントレコメンド方法ならびに腸年齢算出式決定方法および腸年齢算出方法 2024-03-22
5 特表2012-532988 被コーティング物品およびそのコーティング方法 2024-03-22
6 特許7212226 ペットフードレコメンド装置および、ペットフードレコメンド方法、サプリメントレコメンド装置、サプリメントレコメンド方法ならびに腸年齢算出式決定方法および腸年齢算出方法 2024-03-22
7 特許6840887 ペットフードレコメンド装置および、ペットフードレコメンド方法、サプリメントレコメンド装置、サプリメントレコメンド方法ならびに腸年齢算出式決定方法および腸年齢算出方法 2024-03-22
8 特許6889338 ペットフードレコメンド装置および、ペットフードレコメンド方法、サプリメントレコメンド装置、サプリメントレコメンド方法ならびに腸年齢算出式決定方法および腸年齢算出方法 2024-03-22
9 特許6928193 ペットフードレコメンド装置および、ペットフードレコメンド方法、サプリメントレコメンド装置、サプリメントレコメンド方法ならびに腸年齢算出式決定方法および腸年齢算出方法 2024-03-22
10 特許7064641 ペットフードレコメンド装置および、ペットフードレコメンド方法、サプリメントレコメンド装置、サプリメントレコメンド方法ならびに腸年齢算出式決定方法および腸年齢算出方法 2024-03-22
11 特開2022-115880 ペットフードレコメンド装置および、ペットフードレコメンド方法、サプリメントレコメンド装置、サプリメントレコメンド方法ならびに腸年齢算出式決定方法および腸年齢算出方法 2024-03-22
12 特開2018-005928 最適化された栄養処方物、それらから目的に合わせた食事を選択するための方法、およびその使用法 2024-03-13
13 特表2021-529821 イムノグロブリンを除去又は減少させるための遺伝子治療ベクターの形質導入を増加または増強するための組成物および方法 2024-03-13
14 特許7457654 システムオンチップ上の相互接続ファブリック内でソースベースルーティングを実施するための手順 2024-03-12
15 特開2021-051749 最適化された栄養処方物、それらから目的に合わせた食事を選択するための方法、およびその使用法 2024-03-07
16 特許7038388 医療システム及びそれを実行する方法 2024-03-07
17 特開2022-068362 医療システム及びそれを実行する方法 2024-03-04
18 特開2022-081543 抗TREM2抗体及びその使用方法 2024-02-27
19 特開2022-092297 設計支援装置、設計支援方法及び設計支援プログラム 2024-02-15
20 特許6605440 本部装置、基地局装置、端末無線装置、および、無線通信システム 2024-02-13

Show 15 patents  

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Inspectioned

Of the patent applications filed in the last 10 years (2014-04-01 to 2024-03-31), 556 patents/patent applications were inspection more than once in the examination process of other patent applications. The mean of the number of inspection is 1.3. The most inspection patent is 特許6540939 "ノイズ電流を利用した発電回路" (21 times) , and the next most inspection patent is 特表2017-504615 "パロノセトロンを含有する薬学組成物" (15 times) .

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Inspection over a Period of 10 Years (2014-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31)
- No. Title
1 特許6540939 ノイズ電流を利用した発電回路 21 times
2 特表2017-504615 パロノセトロンを含有する薬学組成物 15 times
3 特許6283440 逆流性食道炎の再発抑制剤 12 times
4 特開2018-070660 逆流性食道炎の再発抑制剤 9 times
5 再公表2017/094804 ドコサヘキサエン酸含有油及びその製造方法 9 times

Cited cases

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Cited

Of the patent applications filed in the last 10 years (2014-04-01 to 2024-03-31), 8,184 patents/patent applications were cited more than once in the examination process of other patent applications. The mean of the number of cited is 2.8. The most cited patent is 特許6440303 "対象認識装置、対象認識方法、およびプログラム" (59 times) , and the next most cited patent is 特許6109211 "遊技機" (53 times) .

Top Patents/Patent Applications with the Highest Number of Cited over a Period of 10 Years (2014-04-01 ~ 2024-03-31)
- No. Title
1 特許6440303 対象認識装置、対象認識方法、およびプログラム 59 times
2 特許6109211 遊技機 53 times
3 特許6285078 圧力分散型拡大ヘッド付きアンカーロッドの施工方法及び構造 52 times
4 特許6605249 歯牙解析装置およびそのプログラム 52 times
5 特許6573739 室内用有酸素運動装置、運動システム 49 times

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・MeCab user dictionary for science technology term © National Bioscience Database Center licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

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